Brief Background
Think about the last time you utilized an application or browsed a site. Chances are likely, that great typography was a major piece of the overall user experience. But yet, even though typography is a significant piece of the client experience, it gets frequently overlooked for other aesthetically pleasing components.
Random thoughts…
Typography can represent the moment of truth for an application or web page. It can likewise influence clients’ sentiments about your organization and encapsulate the tone of your brand. The sort of textual styles you use can say a great deal regarding your image and what it stands for.
Clients or users probably won’t confide in you, assuming you picked some unacceptable textual style, or far more atrocious, unstyled text (like Helvetica). What’s more, this could prompt them to think differently when it comes to your product or service.
On the other hand, great typography can make an application or site look clean and proficient. In addition, it can make your site easier to use by making font a lot simpler to read.
In conclusion
So on your next UX/UI project, always remember, typography has its place in the overall experience and cosmetics of the design. It’s a staple in the design cycle. Put some time and effort into great typography, and you’ll be compensated with happier clients and a more fruitful product.